We highlight key developments in how consumers access and engage with news and information. We also discuss how News and Media companies can make use of AI, Personalisation, Cognitive Computing and other technology to create better content, stronger connections, and more resilient revenue models.
The latest Drupal insights and news from Morpht.
Latest insights
The Future of Life Institute's letter calling for a pause on AI model training is the latest to emerge in AI news. Here is our take on what this means.
Morpht's co-founder, Murray Woodman, answers questions about AI and Drupal.
A privacy-friendly, open-source approach to personalisation is available with our Drupal-based technology. You can be creative, while taking advantage of modern technology without the risk of breaking data privacy laws.
Trends alone can't predict the future. But different perspectives on where technology is moving can help us make informed decisions. Content marketing is one area where the future looks like an amazing journey.
Good marketers succeed by knowing the fundamental answers to who the customers are and what problems their product is solving. The right tools make creating touchpoints on the journey easy and effective.
Quickchat makes websites smarter without a lot of extra effort.
We are putting out a call to interview marketers or anyone with experience in personalisation to chat with us. You can set up a 30-minute chat at your convenience.
An overview of Augmentor, a primary tool included in the Convivial Content Experience Platform.