Crafting your website's content

Crafting your website's content

Background modifiers are a power tool that can be used to bring your banners and call to actions to life.  

Parallax scrolling is often used to enhance visual storytelling and to make websites more engaging and interactive.

The example shown is achieved using the Parallax background modifier

Parallax image

Set your background by using the media library to select or upload your image.

Parallax image configuration field

Parallax speed

Set the scroll speed you would like your image use. This example we are using 0 for a static Image.  

Parallax speed configuration field
abstract content image

Section content

The section component allows you to have a tailored layout for various grouped components. 

Components field

You can use the components field within a Section to build out your content using different component types. 

Components field

Layout field

Use the layout field to easily change the layout of how your components are displayed on the page. 

Components layout field

Features used

This component is an item list, displaying icon view modes.

Fast facts icon

Fast facts

Displays animated topline statistics to promote critical information.

Edgy icon


Create dynamic or manual lists to promote deeper content on landing pages.

Layout Icon


Breaks out pages into regions so you can place components, style them and apply background images and texture.

Modifiers Pack Icon


Modifers allow editors to easily change the presentation of components.

The scroll reveal modifier is a great way to introduce your items. This example uses it to showcase the icon view modes displayed in the item list. 

Scroll reveal field settings

Item lists

Use item lists to show multiple pieces of content. 

Abstract shape

Image cards

Image cards are a view mode that can be used to draw the user's attention with the use of imagery. 

Abstract shape


Item lists have a wide range of layout and view mode items. 

Abstract shape

Node lists

If you are linking to existing page content, you can use the "Node list" component instead of an item list to easily link to existing content. 

Items field

You can add as many items as you would like to the items field. It will provide you with a heading, body, image, URL, and icon fields. 

Items field screenshot

View modes field

The View Mode field allows you to select how you would like content to be displayed on the page. This example is using the Image Card view mode. 

View mode field screenshot

Layout field

The Layout field allows you to choose how you would like your item list displayed. This example is using Thirds.  

Layout field screenshot

Fast facts

Watch your statistics animate in to give them a boost.


Issues credited to Morpht


supported contributor roles


projects supported


See Morpht's Drupal contributions

Items field

You can use the items field within the fast facts component to build out your fast facts.  

Fast facts item field screenshot

Fast fact fields

The fast facts fields are very simple and easy to use. You can define a heading, prefix, value, and suffix to build out your statistical data.

Fast facts fields screenshot