
Strategic insights for digital strategists in marketing and sales.


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Morpht has been doing a lot of work on the Paragraphs module. Murray Woodman will be presenting a suite of complementary contrib modules which help content creators at the upcoming DrupalCon LA conference.
Wireframe mapping of a portion of a web page on paper

At Morpht we care about the user experience and adopt a proven UX design process. it all starts from a discovery process in which we chat with clients about their vision and expectations.
Client vs Site Builder

Murray and I presented a session at Drupal Camp Sydney 2014 on the Paragraphs module. The presentation had a demo, lecture and a bit of role play. We talked about the benefits of chunking content and how Paragraphs could be used.
Bootstrap logo

At this month's Sydney Drupal Users Group, I did a short presentation about using Bootstrap in Drupal 7. The presentation was broken down into two parts: Bootstrap themes and modules.