It's safe to say that ChatGPT has been a much-needed source of comedy for what has been a Very Serious Few Years. What you may not know is that it can make a marketer's life much easier. Especially if you are a smart marketer running a Drupal website!
Marketers: Put AI to Work Today
Augmentor is a new Drupal module included with Convivial that we built to make your website smarter. It allows you to build AI functionality into your content production workflow. Calculate your time saved each week with each of these examples:
- Summaries: Content needs summaries of all kinds: teasers, ad copy, block content, and more. When a marketer is in production mode, creating content on the fly is not a good practice. Augmentor can create a starting point that is waiting for your edits. Add your flair and publish, without breaking your brain!
- Tagging: Again, when you are in "Shipping Content" mode, the intricacies of classifying content properly can often slow the publishing process. But tagging and taxonomy are important for displaying content properly, personalisation, and more! Augmentor lets the robots do the work. Robots don't get tired. They work and work and work and tag and tag and tag...
- Readability: You have smart people in your org creating awesome content, but they get a bit too wordy or a bit too professorial. Augmentor can make content less dense and more readable, so you don't have to edit on the fly.
AI In Your Workflow
These new innovations are a major shift in technology. The organisations that start thinking about how to use the many aspects of AI (aside from making it generate terrifying images) are going to come out ahead. Your website and marketing workflow are a great place to start. Let's put the bots to work!
More On Morpht and AI-Powered Drupal
Here's Murray, one of our founders, showing what it can do at Drupal South 2022:
For developers, Augmentor is extensible in a typical "Drupal Can Do Anything" fashion. In this session, Eleo Basili, one of our developers, shows how to extend Augmentor via plugins. It's a bilingual JP-EN conference, Elio's English session starts at 2 hours 6 minutes: